Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas - horrendous for training

Christmas may well be a great time for religious people, children and Coca Cola, but for someone trying to stay in reasonable shape, it's an absolute nightmare.

Before Christmas I was training at least three or four times a week and barely drinking, but throw in a bit of festive cheer and all of a sudden I'm drinking three or four times a week and never training.

I've been so hungover I haven't made it out running for a while. The good news is round the corner, however. With the New Year comes a wave of fitness resolutions, and it's a wave I intend to surf - at least to get me back on track. I'm not going to go setting myself crazy targets, I'm just going to promise myself in the New Year I will start training again.

Around this time a lot of people set themselves unrealistic goals, attempt them on January 1st and then collapse from exhaustion. From speaking to the likes of Rich Roll and Dean Karnazes, I've realised you need to be organised, set achievable aims and build yourself up slowly, while remembering to enjoy the experience.

So January 2nd will see me re-enter the world of fitness following a pretty heavy festive season. Should anyone want to join me running on the 2nd, you are more than welcome. If you're in Dubai get in touch, if you're not, put on your trainers, get out the door and I'll be with you in spirit!

(Despite my apparent Grinch-like attitude, I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a enjoys a brilliant New Year)

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