Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Cometh the hour, cometh the men (and lady)

I feel like I'm in the eye of a storm at the moment.

Training has eased down all week, my bag is basically packed and 99% of prep has been carried out. I've a tough couple of days in work to get out of the way but, at 6pm tomorrow night, we'll leave the office and head straight to Abu Dhabi for the start of the 2009 Abu Dhabi Adventure Challenge.

I'm fairly calm. I'm pretty focused. I'm a little nervous and a bit scared, I don't mind admitting. In these situations, I think a bit of fear is important to stop you making dangerous mistakes. So long as it doesn't paralyse you.

More than anything, I'm really anxious to get going on that first triathlon prologue early Friday morning. The waiting...that's the hard part. With every day, the challenge seems to get bigger and less achievable. Once we've taken our first steps in the race, well, we're gradually getting closer and closer to the finish.

The one thing I have to keep reminding myself is to enjoy it; otherwise, well, what's the point?

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