Thursday, December 17, 2009

The big Three-Oh!!!

My birthday today, guys and gals...and not just any old birthday but my 30th.

So, how have I celebrated? Well, last night I nailed a pretty good 3,500 yard session in the pool. I know - Rock and, indeed, Roll. As a young whippersnapper I swam pretty seriously (every day and often twice a day) up to a national standard and I'm really enjoying getting into my swimming again. I'm now starting to step up the sessions a little too. I've a list of around 15 hour-long (3500-4000 yard) sets and work my way through those one by one. Some are just standard sets, others are aimed a little more at building good distances - essential for triathlons.

This morning, I was up at 6am and did a 30km cycle on my mountain bike - felt pretty good too. We've a long weekend here in Dubai (it's Islamic New Year) and I'll look to get one circuit session in and one BRICK (transition practice - probably 500m swim along the shore in the sea, run back to starting point - repeated three times - great for getting used to that 'jelly legs' feeling you get when coming out of the swim and heading into the cycle but also a really good cross-train experience) over the course of the three-day weekend.

The point of this is...well?

Firstly, it may be useful info for anyone else at the early stages of training for triathlon. More significantly, I remember when I was swimming competitively just how unmotivated I often was - and how much I tried to avoid morning training.

It's funny that, now 30-years-old, I have more determination, motivation and even competitiveness than I did back then. I can't wait to train this weekend and almost jump out of bed on those early mornings, coz of all the energy I have.

I recently saw a photo on Facebook from my 28th birthday and, from a vanity point of view, two things occurred: 1) I looked older then than now; 2) It looked like some fat kid had eaten Matt! From a non-vain point of view, exercise has brought so much back to my life. I feel younger and better than I have for years, I have tonnes more energy and I just enjoy the variety of things I have to do.

Sure, I can tell you that beers, vodka cranberries, junk food, late nights and some truly embarrassing dancing are all likely to feature over the course of this birthday weekend, but that's not all there is - that's not all I am.

After all, what better way to crack through a hangover than a beach BRICK session?


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