Sunday, November 15, 2009

Walking is for the birds

Ever since I was a boy, I’ve always hated shopping, going to the grocery store or doing anything that required any level of meandering. From the shooting pain in my overpronating right arch to the dull ache that travels northward from my shins to my knees and up to my hips, I’m gonna put this out there: I hate walking.

I've always enjoyed a nice long run. Cycling is a great workout that constantly allows me to push my limits. I find any kind of water sport incredibly refreshing. Even climbing is a wonderful combination of technical skill and strength to which I'd love to devote more time. But walking, no thanks. The slow monotony of controlled strides is enough to drive me mad.

In light of my aversion to ambulation, the weekend's workout in Hatta was breathtaking, but difficult. My teammates did a great job of sticking together and keeping the mood light but this weekend's trek was tough. I found the terrain terribly uncomfortable on my feet -- much more so than sand.

The entire point of the ADAC is to use the strength of the team to overcome the challenges it faces. During the competition we are not a collection of individuals, we are a team, a single entity. We draw upon one another's strengths and we help overcome each other's weaknesses. This attitude will be as crucial in the event as it is during our training.

The pics can illustrate:

Lucifer begins the trek overcome by her surroundings.

Matt demonstrates a Walden Pond-like sense of calm.

Pete & Lucy found themselves a bit of dead end.

Hatta, also knows as, the Devil's Frying Pan.

I need a shave.

Veni. Vidi. Vici.

After we train hard. We play hard. We are...Desert Hacks.

And Pete, our fearless leader...

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