Thursday, November 05, 2009

Things we've learned to far...

- Pete has severe problems differentiating between left and right. He has, so far, put his shoes on the wrong feet and then walked off with two left walking shoes...he's not going to be allowed anywhere near the GPS.

- Jeff's favourite film should be Sideways. Jeff's favourite song should be The Sidewinder Sleeps.

- Never, ever, ever go walking in the desert without wearing's the foot equivalent to that scene in Star Wars with the Death Star trash compactor. The boots slowly fill, your feet have less and less room and you end up with a hideously deformed and hooked talon instead of toes.

- People that have been training for months have a worrying look of pity in their eyes when they talk to us.

- Driving in the desert is not part of this event but it is awesome fun! Even more than driving on the beach.

- Walking can be TOUGH!

- Given the problems encountered in merely setting up this blog and doing profiles, we're not an especially technologically gifted bunch.

- Blogging is quite fun. This is my first go and I kinda like it.

No, if anyone orders Merlot, I'm leaving. I am NOT drinking any f**king Merlot!

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