Sunday, November 15, 2009

A hard hike in Hatta

As I seem to be hogging all the blogging, I'll leave it to my team mates and won't say too much about the weekend's activities, other than that our 6 hour hike through the dried-up river bed (wadi) in Hatta was easily my favourite training session to date - beautiful, dramatic scenery, a bit of light, enjoyable scramble climbing and we didn't see a single other person all day.

Pete tackles the mountainous surrounds of the lake showing that, unlike our first walk in the desert, we're actually well prepared now and have all the right gear!

Great scenery -- rubbish photo. Taken from my very old, battered camera phone.

Hatta starts to look a bit Wild West.

The borderlands (UAE with Oman - driving from Dubai, you actually have to pass briefly into Oman to get to Hatta)

Lucifer, Left Feet and Sidewinder stop for a little rest.

Sidewinder JRo snaps Left Feet Pete.

The landscape gets very Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

Me heading into The Temple of Doom. Without trying to seem too worthy, note the support of TWLOHA (To write love on her arms). Look it up, support it and spread the word. Extremely worthwhile.
Coming down from the heights.

 Really like this pic - shows the scale of the whole area.

The sheer face of the wadi.

Lucy comes down through an awesome rock formation that, over the years, had been smoothed down to look like a slide!

Pete comes through the formation.

Hope you enjoyed the pics. Cheerio.


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