Wednesday, November 18, 2009

If everybody looked the same...

It's funny reading the last couple of blogs just how different everyone is and where their strengths and weaknesses lie.

I know that should be sort of obvious, but all being around the same fitness levels and having similar ambitions for the race, it's easy to forget. Scott and Jeff, for example, really seem to enjoy the kayaking which I pretty much loathe. Jeff and Pete, however, find walking really boring when Lucy and I seem to drift off into our own little worlds and enjoy the escapism of just plugging away step-by-step.

Personally, although I'm sure I may be proven wrong, the mountain biking, desert orienteering and even the climbing (strange as pretty petrified of heights) don't worry me too much - just a small amount of healthy fear to avoid complatency.

The kayaking, however? I don't know why I dislike it so much. Admittedly, I've only ever done a bit of canoeing before but I really enjoyed that. Rowing in university, conversely, was pretty dull. Maybe I'm just not much of a team player? While the rest of the events are undertaken as a team, of course, you sort of do your own thing and pull each other along. For the kayaking, real, perfect, in sync teamwork is essential.

One thing I can certainly say for myself is that I'll give it my all. We've another hour or two in the sea this weekend and I'm determined to show some improvement - in technique and ability, as well as attitude.

Anyone out there have any tips for kayaking? Anyone agree with me or were you once a kayak-hater and now head out in your two-man every weekend? Any hints or tips would be most appreciated!


1 comment:

  1. Love this blog post guys - giving me a real feel for the experience that is soon to be!
